Debts Menu

Add Debt
Click on Debts | Add Debts or the Add button to open the Enter Debt Information window. Enter the details about a debt in this window.
Edit Debt
Select this option to edit an existing debt entry. Highlight an existing debt in the Debt List Box and click on Debts | Edit Debt or the Edit button to open the Enter Debt Information window. Edit the existing debt information as necessary and save.  
Delete Debt
Highlight a debt in the Debt List Box and click on Debts | Delete Debt or the Delete button to remove a debt no longer needed in the schedule.
Remove All Debts
Click on Debts | Remove All Debts or the Remove All button for a quick and easy way to remove all debts from the screen. This is useful for starting over or entering information for a new debt plan. To prevent accidental removal, a prompt appears before any action is taken.
To rearrange the order of the debts listed on the Main Window debt list select Debts | Re-Order from the menu. Choose to reorder the debts either alphabetically, by priority or by payment due date. Or click on the column headers to change the sort.

Highlight a debt in the list and click on Debts | Calculate or the Calc button to open the Debt Manipulation window. Use this feature to alter the payment amount or the duration of the debt to view the impact it has on the total payments and interest expenses. These values are also illustrated graphically.