"Now I can act as my own financial advisor. Had I not known about Debt Analyzer, I would have spent years and thousands of dollars trying to pay off debts."
-- Stephen

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  1. Made changes to be more compatible with Windows 7.
  2. Made a change to fix print problems.
  3. Updated the backup options and routines.
  4. The crash report path can now include environment variables such as %TEMP%.
  5. The About box will no longer display letters in the version number. Only version numbers in the form x.x.x.x will be displayed.

Revision history for previous versions
    version 4.0
    version 3.5
    version 3.0f
    version 3.0e
    version 3.0d
    version 3.0c
    version 3.0b
    version 3.0a
    version 3.0

Revision history for current version
    Current version